Be Still and Linger with Him

Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth.

Have you heard the saying by Ralph Waldo Emerson that says, “Life is about the journey, not the destination”?  To me, that means that we should search for joy in the preparation of the journey and savor every event along the way.  We have been on a journey over the past 5 weeks of social distancing and working from home and we have been preparing to return to normal (whatever that may look like).  For me, the preparation and journey has included lots of quiet time, quiet time to be still and to linger with God. 

One of the words God gave me in my heart this year is LINGER. The definition of linger is to stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.  Up until now, it has been hard to be still and linger with God because of the demands of my career and being a mom of 3 teenage boys.  But now I can.  I have found time during this journey to linger with God and to hear from God.  In Job 33:5 it says, “For God does speak – now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it.”

In order for me to hear from the Lord, I need to be still.  I need to tune my ears to Him.  Jesus says in John 10:27, “My sheep listen to my voice, I know them, and they follow me.”   What a sweet time it is to hear His voice over all the other noise that is normally around us.  If we use this time to be still, hear his voice and become familiar with it, then when things go back to “normal”, we will still be able to hear Him.

I do not know where this journey is taking us, but I am making it a point to enjoy the quiet time with my Lord.  I am savoring these moments with Jesus, and I will continue to be still and make time to linger with Him.

Lord, thank you for wanting to spend time with me. Fill me with peace and hope and love so that I may be a blessing to others. Amen.