Something Brand New

Isaiah 43:19 (MSG) “Be alert, be present. I am about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? There it is! I’m making a road through the desert, rivers in the badlands.”

“Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.” ~ Author Unknown

I saw this quote online a few weeks ago and it really stuck with me. To me, the idea that a storm will clear away things that we never would have moved on our own has God written all over it. So, I started to think back over the storms in my life and I tried to look at them in a different way. For example, when after three years my position was eliminated at the first job in my career, I was devastated. I was young, I had loved my job, and I did not know what to do. But looking back I can see that leaving that job cleared a path for me to find a sales job at a hotel and that lead me to find the faith-based company that I work for today. I have been working there for 23 years now and I have the most amazing work family.

“Be alert, be present. I am about to do something brand new.” That is what God says in Isaiah. But how can He do something new in your life if you are surrounded by clutter & distractions? Maybe the storm you are in right now was not sent to block your path. Maybe it was sent to clear out the unnecessary things that are lying in your path, the driftwood and rubble that has started to pile up in your life and over time and has become an obstacle to you. Maybe this storm was sent to clear away all the things that you were doing that kept you busy and kept you away from Jesus.

Lord, thank you for sending the storms. Your ways are not my ways, but your ways are better. So, I trust you, Lord, to clear my path and to lead me to something brand new. Amen

One thought on “Something Brand New

  1. Elisa & Steve Hediger says:

    Girl! You know I love my job and I’m in that same spot you were in. I can’t believe I’m facing this storm now when I thought I was where I was supposed to be, but God….. I had gotten stubborn, I guess. Remember that one message when Ps Robert talked about not being stubborn? God will make a way, even if He has to push you. I got pushed, ugh. I want to be faithful and trust, but with all this going on, this storm is crazy! I feel like everything is crashing down around me. Not just for me, but for friends and family too. The enemy is hard at work for sure! I know in my heart that God has plans and He won’t let me fall, I have to get my head wrapped around this new life, isolation isn’t my thing and its wearing me down. So I agree with you “Lord, thank you for sending the storms. Your ways are not my ways, but your ways are better. So, I trust you, Lord, to clear my path and to lead me to something brand new. Amen”

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