My Prayer Today

Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he as done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

I did not know what to share with you today in Simply Said Devotions and I was worried about that.  So, I decided to do what Paul said in Philippians 4:6. I decided to pray about it through my journaling. After I finished, I realized this is what Jesus wanted me to share with you.  This is was my journal entry.

Dear Lord,

I do not know what to write about. I am overwhelmed by how the people in this world are acting. I know there are good and Godly people out there because I encounter them every day, but I feel like their voices are not the voices that people can hear. The voice of conflict and controversy is the voice that resonates throughout our land right now. Arguing and unrest seems to be what people are drawn to. Rumors and untruths are more fun to discuss than peace and love.

Who are these people at the root of it? Who finds pleasure in stirring up the masses? I just do not understand it. Lord, I ask you to silence them. I ask you to make your glory known to the unbelievers so that they come to know that you are in control. So that they come to know that there is only ONE that can the king of my heart and soul. Shine a light on the fools and open our eyes so that their words are seen for what they are – empty lies.

Thank you for the peace that you promise all who bring you into their hearts. Thank you for the unconditional love that you show your people and thank you for walking next to me every day, even when I am not intentionally walking with you.

Peace be with you. Amen.

When you are worried and unsure how to proceed, take it to Jesus. When you are scared and cannot make a decision, take it to Jesus. When you are depressed and do not want to get up, take it to Jesus. Jesus himself has experienced every human emotion that you feel because he was a human too. Knowing that He is there for you is very comforting. Really, it’s everything to me.

Lord, thank you for being an ever-present help when I am in need. Thank you for being the voice of reason in my head and for providing me with peace in my heart. You are everything to me. Amen.

How does God speak to you?

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Have you ever heard someone say that they were talking to God and he gave them a word? What does that even mean? Did they hear an audible voice that said something like, “Hey Debra, I have a word for you today?” No, of course not. It would be nice if God lit a bush on fire like he did with Moses or spoke directly to you in a dream like he did with Joseph, but that is not usually how it works. 

It’s a good desire to want to hear God’s voice. But many times, we make it out to be a lot more mysterious and harder than it should be, because we look to the wrong places for God’s voice. It is actually very simple. The Bible is where God’s voice can be heard. So, if you want to listen to God’s voice, then you need to read God’s word.

I suggest that you set aside 30 minutes in the morning or evening and call it your quiet time. Protect this time. Add it to your calendar. Create a special space for your quiet time and let everyone in your household know that you have set aside this particular time of the day to seek the Lord. Then start off with a short devotional, a Bible reading and then prayer journaling. God’s Word will pop up to address your prayer concerns. Sometimes immediately, sometimes over time. But it’s those breakthrough moments that are the incredible miracles that cement our faith and cause us to crave more time with Him.  I read a quote online that said, “I was praying, talking to God and then I opened my Bible and God won’t stop talking to me!”

Heavenly Father, thank you for giving me the Bible so that I can hear your voice.  Please help me to set up a quiet time so that I can hear from you every day.  Amen

Once a Task is Thus Begun

Ephesians 6:7 Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.

My Grandpa Etzler had a rhyme he would share with me and my cousins when we were little.  He said it so often that we engraved it on a gold plaque for him to hang in his bedroom and we buried it with him when he passed away.  It said:

Once a task is thus begun

Never leave it ‘til it’s done.

Be the task great or small

Do it well or not at all.

My grandpa was trying to teach us a level of work ethic that you don’t always see in today’s society.  The concept is real simple.  If you start something, finish it.  It doesn’t matter if it is a big project at work or a small project at home.  Finishing the project will give you a sense of accomplishment and will show others that you are proud of your work.  But grandpa didn’t just say finish it either, he said do it well or not at all.  Take the time to do it RIGHT.  Crease the edges.  Dot the I’s.  Cross the T’s. 

In Ephesians 6:7, Paul is also encouraging responsibility and integrity on the job just like my grandpa was.  If Christ was your employer, would that change the way you do your job?  Can you be trusted to do your best even when your boss is not around?  As Christians, we should strive to be a reflection of Jesus in everything we do, whether that is working at your career in the business world, cleaning houses, raising your children or ringing up customers at a grocery store.  You should do your job with enthusiasm as if Christ was your supervisor. 

Are you an employer?  Do you have people reporting to you at your place of employment?  What if Christ was your employee?  Would that change the way you treated your employees?  Although you may be at different levels than your employees in this earthly society, God does not play favorites.  No one is more important than anyone else.  We are all brothers and sister in Christ.

Remember, no matter who you work for and no matter who works for you, the One you should ultimately want to please is your Father in heaven.  So, work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  Finish what you start and do it as though Christ is watching, because He is. 

Dear Father in heaven, thank you for providing me with a job.  Help me to work with enthusiasm and to finish what I start.  I want to make you proud of me.  In your name I pray, Amen.

Give it to God

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Oh my goodness, this is the hardest thing to do but the most amazing thing to do too.  Life can be crazy.  You know it.  I know it.  Today was my oldest son’s birthday and he invited 4 friends over for the weekend.  My youngest son had a basketball tournament this morning and he invited a friend to spend the weekend too.  My middle son called me while I was at the tournament to let me know he was going to a movie with a friend this afternoon and needed a ride.  I needed to get my nails done and my parents came in from Waxahachie to see the tournament and celebrate the birthday.  How on earth was I going to manage everything that was going on today AND write a devotional?

I could have stressed about it all day.  I could have gotten grumpy or short tempered with everyone.  But instead, I took a deep breath and I prayed about it.  I thanked God that I have a big, crazy family.  I thanked God for birthdays and friends and fun.  I thanked God that my children are healthy and love to play sports (because I love to watch them play) and I thanked God that my parents live close enough that they can come visit me and the boys any time.  I requested God’s presence in my day, then I used my God given talents of time management (ha ha) and we worked together to get everything done. 

You may think that a busy day is not the kind of request that Philippians 4:6 is talking about.  But it is.  It says not to be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING, present your requests to God.  Nothing is too small or too BIG to present to our Father in heaven.  He wants us to share everything with him that is bothering us and making us feel anxious.  So, present your sickness, present your financial burdens, present your broken relationships, present your doubts and fears, but present your busy day too.  Present your indecision about the paint color you are trying to choose.  Present the challenges of finding the right outfit for your next date.  Nothing is too trivial for our God.

Besides, it says in Matthew 6:27 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”  So my advice to you is simple . . . Give it to God.  He is much better equipped to deal with the stress than I am.

Lord, thank you for loving me so much.  Help me to remember that you are my rock and strength and that you alone can carry all my burdens.  Amen.