Campfire Songs

1 John 4:7-8       Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God.  Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

When I was in the 8th grade, my class spent 3 days at a Christian camp in LaGrange, Texas called Camp Lone Star.  We did all the fun things you normally do at camp plus we had Bible studies and opportunities to learn more about Jesus.  One night we learned a campfire song based on 1 John 4:7-8.  In fact, the lyrics of the song are exactly the words of this Bible verse.  The song and tune stuck with me and I can still sing it to this day.  

Occasionally, with no warning at all, the song comes to mind and I’ll start singing it.  That happened to me tonight during a class I’ve been taking at church.  The speaker said 1 John 4 and immediately the song came to my mind and I started singing it in my head.  I wrote the verse down and when I got home, I looked it up and started to study it. 

1 John was actually a letter written by the John who was one of Jesus’ 12 disciples.  John did not write the letter to a specific person or church.  In fact, he sent it to several Gentile (non-Jewish) churches, so I’d like to imagine he was sending it to me too.  When John wrote the letter, he was one of, if not the only person left on earth that had personally known Jesus.  He had eaten with Jesus, walked and talked with Jesus, and watched Jesus heal the sick and perform miracles.  He saw Jesus die on the cross and he saw Jesus after he had risen from the dead.  John learned all about love from Jesus and he had the absolute best teacher in the world.

The message he wanted us to retain is simple.  Love one another because God is love.  That means love your neighbors, even the ones who play their music too loud.  Love your little brother who steals your phone chord without asking.  Love your co-worker who only has negative things to say about everyone.  Love the homeless man on the corner who is always looking for a handout.  Love them.  Love them all.  Loving the people you already like is easy.  But loving the people that drive you nuts, that is what Jesus really wants us to do.  You might be the only Jesus they see today so make sure they see Jesus’s love.

Lord, thank you for showing us what love is. Help us to share your love with everyone around us. Amen.