Such a Time as This

Esther 4:14 “…Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

Have you heard the story of Queen Esther?   It is full of drama, power, romance and intrigue.  Esther was a stunningly beautiful Jewish woman who became the queen of Persia around 480 years before Jesus walked on this earth.  If you don’t know much about Persia, don’t worry.  Neither did I.  All you need to know is that it was huge, and many Jews ended up there after they were exiled from Jerusalem more than 100 years before.

So, the story in a nutshell goes like this.  The king of Persia was named King Xerxes and when his first queen (not Esther) refused to make an appearance at a party he was throwing, he basically kicked her out.  Then he went on the hunt for a new queen.  This is when he met Esther.  She was beautiful and when presented to King Xerxes, he took a liking to her, so she became the next queen. 

How crazy was it that a simple Jewish woman would suddenly find herself the queen of the biggest empire in the world?  Why would God bless her like that?  Has this ever happened to you?  Do you ever wonder why God has blessed you with an amazing job, a beautiful home, spare time or creativity?  He didn’t place you where you are so you could lounge around all day with wine and cheese or post pictures on your social media pages.  He placed you there for a reason. 

While Queen Esther was living her best life in the palace, a scoundrel name Haman convinced the King to send out a decree that basically said all Jews should be killed on the 13th day of the 12th month.  Well Queen Esther was a Jew, but she hadn’t told the King about her heritage because her Uncle Mordecai had told her not to.  But now Mordecai sent her a message that said she needed to save her people by speaking to the King about the decree.  She needed to tell King Xerxes that she was Jewish.  Esther was scared.  She had a pretty comfy life and she didn’t even know if the King would speak to her.  But then Mordecai said the famous words from our Bible passage above, “Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

It is God who has given you your job, your home, your time and your strengths.  God is giving you the opportunity to use these resources for his kingdom where he has placed you. So, speak up at work.  Tell your colleagues about the really cool story you heard during the sermon at church.  Invite your neighbors to your home and get to know them.  Use your spare time to volunteer at your child’s school so you can show them what a loving Christ centered parent looks like.  Don’t miss your kingdom assignment because you are too caught up in your comfy life.  Perhaps you were put in this place for just such a time as this.

Dear Jesus, open my eyes so I can see the people around me that need your kingdom. I know you have placed me here for a reason. I am ready to help. Amen.

Take My Yoke

Matthew 11:29-30 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

The only way this Bible verse makes sense is if you know what a yoke is.  I have not worked with livestock, even though I have lived in Texas my entire life, so naturally I had to do a little research to figure out exactly what it is. 

Essentially, a yoke is a harness used by a pair of oxen to ease the work of hauling a load.  The wood is hand carved to fit over the neck and shoulders of both oxen so that it would prevent pain.  The oxen need to be about the same size so that the yoke sits comfortably on both animals.

Typically, the pair of oxen includes an older seasoned ox that has been well trained from years of routine and a new young ox that has potential but is inexperienced.  By sharing the same yoke with a veteran ox, the younger ox does not have to wonder what to do. Plus, the experienced one pulls harder and bears most of the load until the younger ox is trained up. 

How awesome is that?  In Matthew 11:29-30, Jesus is saying that he wants me to be harnessed to him.  He wants to take me under his wing and learn the ropes from him.  He is not a fierce and cruel teacher but gentle and humble in heart.  He is stronger and more experienced than I am so he will be pulling harder and bearing most of the load.

I don’t know what your burden is.  It might be an addiction to shopping, alcohol or sex.  It might be a spirit of lying and gossiping.  Or perhaps you have a desire for something that is not yours.  Whatever it is, if you harness yourself to Jesus, he will carry most of the load for you.  That is His promise to you. 

Jesus, thank you for bearing the load of the sins in my life. When I forget to give my worries to you, remind me that I can find rest in you. Amen.

Give it to God

Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Oh my goodness, this is the hardest thing to do but the most amazing thing to do too.  Life can be crazy.  You know it.  I know it.  Today was my oldest son’s birthday and he invited 4 friends over for the weekend.  My youngest son had a basketball tournament this morning and he invited a friend to spend the weekend too.  My middle son called me while I was at the tournament to let me know he was going to a movie with a friend this afternoon and needed a ride.  I needed to get my nails done and my parents came in from Waxahachie to see the tournament and celebrate the birthday.  How on earth was I going to manage everything that was going on today AND write a devotional?

I could have stressed about it all day.  I could have gotten grumpy or short tempered with everyone.  But instead, I took a deep breath and I prayed about it.  I thanked God that I have a big, crazy family.  I thanked God for birthdays and friends and fun.  I thanked God that my children are healthy and love to play sports (because I love to watch them play) and I thanked God that my parents live close enough that they can come visit me and the boys any time.  I requested God’s presence in my day, then I used my God given talents of time management (ha ha) and we worked together to get everything done. 

You may think that a busy day is not the kind of request that Philippians 4:6 is talking about.  But it is.  It says not to be anxious about ANYTHING, but in EVERYTHING, present your requests to God.  Nothing is too small or too BIG to present to our Father in heaven.  He wants us to share everything with him that is bothering us and making us feel anxious.  So, present your sickness, present your financial burdens, present your broken relationships, present your doubts and fears, but present your busy day too.  Present your indecision about the paint color you are trying to choose.  Present the challenges of finding the right outfit for your next date.  Nothing is too trivial for our God.

Besides, it says in Matthew 6:27 “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?”  So my advice to you is simple . . . Give it to God.  He is much better equipped to deal with the stress than I am.

Lord, thank you for loving me so much.  Help me to remember that you are my rock and strength and that you alone can carry all my burdens.  Amen.

Step Out of The Boat

Matthew 14: 25-29 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.  When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified.  “It is a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.  But Jesus immediately said to them, “Take courage!  It is I.  Don’t be afraid.”  “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said.  Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.

I love the lake.  I love riding in a boat.  I love fishing.  I love swimming.  I love watching the sun set over the water and I love listening to the water lap against the shore in the morning with a cup of coffee.  Being at the lake is one of my favorite things to do.  I’ve been going to the lake with my family since I was a little girl and I am very comfortable there. 

Peter was very comfortable at the lake too.  He probably spent every day at the lake because he was a fisherman until Jesus came along.  So, in Matthew 14, when Peter found himself in a boat on the Sea of Galilee with his friends, he was not afraid.  He had been in a boat most of his life, so he was very comfortable there.  That is until he saw what he thought was a ghost, and then Peter was terrified.  He was trapped with no where to go.  The place where he felt safe one minute, was adding to his terror the next.

But then Jesus told him not to be afraid.  I like to think Jesus said something like, “Chill out guys.  It’s just me.  Jesus.  Stop freaking out.”  Peter wanted to believe that it was Jesus, but his faith was a little shaky.  Then Jesus said, “Come.”  So, Peter does something incredible.  He leaves the safety of the boat.  He leaves the place he is most comfortable, and he steps out of the boat into something brand new with Jesus. 

Jesus is calling you to something new too.  He wants you to leave the place that is comfortable and safe and step out into something brand new with him.   I know it is scary.  But will you have faith?  Will you step out of the boat?

Dear Lord, please give me the courage to step out of the boat in faith so that I can have something new with you.  Amen.