
Philippians 4:19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Glory in Christ Jesus.

Provisions. The Lord provides in a time of need. This past week was exceedingly difficult. Even more difficult for me than the pandemic has been. You see I live in Texas and we had the worst winter storm I have ever seen in my lifetime last week. Most everyone in my neighborhood either lost power or had rolling blackouts for days. We either lost water due to pipes bursting or had to boil our water due to possible contamination. The temperatures were below freezing for days and even got down to zero degrees. The roads were icy, the stores were closed due to blackouts or wiped clean of all fresh food. The internet was down when the power was off and cell phone service was sketchy. We were just not prepared for that kind of weather for that long in Texas.

But the Lord provides. Our neighborhood Facebook page became a communication tool for people offering hot food or a place to warm up. Neighbors were offering neighbors free firewood or a place to charge their phone. If someone found bottled water or a gas station open, they would send out a message so others would know where to go. Then churches in the area started offering free hot meals and bottled water through drive thru lines. This reminds me of what Jesus said in Matthew 6:26. He said, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

We can trust that God will meet our needs even if all our wants are not satisfied. Because let’s be honest, most people want to feel good and avoid discomfort or pain. I know I do. But that may not be what you need. You might need to go through the discomfort or pain to come out on the other side a person that is ready to share their testimony with others. In that case, the Lord may provide you courage to face the problems at hand. Do you have a story that you can share about how God showed up for you this week?

Heavenly Father, thank you for being with me this week when I was scared, alone and didn’t know what to do. Thank you for providing me peace and assurance that no matter what you would provide for my needs. Amen.