God Is Not a Genie in A Bottle

Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Some people only talk to God when they have a problem. When they have a prayer of need. Let me ask you this, what would your relationship with a friend look like if they only called you when they had a problem?  They never wanted to celebrate with you or share the good things that happen in their life.  Just their strife, problems and worries.  What kind of a relationship would that be?

God is not a genie in a bottle that you only call on when you want something. God wants a relationship with you. A relationship where you share the good and the bad. A relationship where you acknowledge what you are thankful for and what you need. He wants to communicate with you all day long no matter what your circumstances. When you open that line of communication with God on a daily basis, you will begin to see his presence and feel his peace in ways you have never seen or felt before.

So, I challenge you to change your perspective about a relationship with God. Don’t look at him as a wish-granter or a means to get what you want. Remember that he wants a real relationship with you and that takes time and open communication (prayer) about everything.

Dear God, thank you for your word and for opening my eyes, ears, and minds to understand what you are saying to me. I want a real relationship with you, and I will pray about everything. Amen

My Prayer Today

Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he as done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

I did not know what to share with you today in Simply Said Devotions and I was worried about that.  So, I decided to do what Paul said in Philippians 4:6. I decided to pray about it through my journaling. After I finished, I realized this is what Jesus wanted me to share with you.  This is was my journal entry.

Dear Lord,

I do not know what to write about. I am overwhelmed by how the people in this world are acting. I know there are good and Godly people out there because I encounter them every day, but I feel like their voices are not the voices that people can hear. The voice of conflict and controversy is the voice that resonates throughout our land right now. Arguing and unrest seems to be what people are drawn to. Rumors and untruths are more fun to discuss than peace and love.

Who are these people at the root of it? Who finds pleasure in stirring up the masses? I just do not understand it. Lord, I ask you to silence them. I ask you to make your glory known to the unbelievers so that they come to know that you are in control. So that they come to know that there is only ONE that can the king of my heart and soul. Shine a light on the fools and open our eyes so that their words are seen for what they are – empty lies.

Thank you for the peace that you promise all who bring you into their hearts. Thank you for the unconditional love that you show your people and thank you for walking next to me every day, even when I am not intentionally walking with you.

Peace be with you. Amen.

When you are worried and unsure how to proceed, take it to Jesus. When you are scared and cannot make a decision, take it to Jesus. When you are depressed and do not want to get up, take it to Jesus. Jesus himself has experienced every human emotion that you feel because he was a human too. Knowing that He is there for you is very comforting. Really, it’s everything to me.

Lord, thank you for being an ever-present help when I am in need. Thank you for being the voice of reason in my head and for providing me with peace in my heart. You are everything to me. Amen.