Seek Me

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Have you ever heard a great song on the radio and you wonder who sings it or what the words of the song mean?  Don’t like music?  Okay, what about this . . . have you ever seen a yummy dish on your social media feed and wonder how to make it?  Jeez, not a foodie either?  Okay, how about this one . . . have you ever heard a news story and wanted to learn more about it?   In all these situations, what would you do?  You would seek an answer, most likely on the internet.  You would search Google for the lyrics to the song, the recipe for the dish or the details of the news story.  Well guess what?  You can do the same thing if you want to learn more about Jesus.

Today there are apps you can download that will put the entire Bible in the palm of your hand.  Devotionals are available at the tap of a button.  Encouraging words are scrolling through your Facebook and Instagram feed with links to all kinds of information about Jesus.  All you have to do is download it, tap it or click on it and you have access to some of the most amazing reading material that has even been published.  The Bible says that if you seek the Lord with all your heart, You. Will. Find. Him.  All you have to do is seek him. 

In Isaiah 55:10-11, it says (in a nutshell) that the words the Lord spoke will not return to him void but will accomplish what he desired them to accomplish.  So, if you read the Bible, the inspired word of God and the actual words of Jesus, those words will accomplish what Jesus intended them to accomplish.  If you seek Him, you will find HIM and his words will not return void.  This is such good news.  I do not always understand what the Bible is saying but I know the words will not return void, so I know Jesus is accomplishing something in me just because I read them.

So, go ahead and download a Bible app. I personally recommend YouVersion.  It has 61 English versions of the Bible including New International Version (NIV), New Living Translation (NLT), New King James Version (NKJV) and even The Message.  You can search for devotions by subjects or set up a reading plan to help you read the Bible.  I’ve got a notification set up every morning that sends me the “Verse of the Day” which helps me get my day started off right.

If you seek Him, you WILL find Him. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for technology. Thank you for the men and women that worked so hard to provide us with the resources we need to seek you and find you.  Amen.