What is your idol?

Exodus 20:3-4 “You must not have any other god but me. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea.”

I have struggled this week to put down my phone and pick up my Bible. So much so that I’ve started to wonder if my phone has become an idol to me. So, I looked up the word idol and one definition says, “an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.” I thought “phew” I don’t do that. I don’t worship my phone. But I kept researching to see what else I could find on the subject.  Another person defined an idol as “anything you give your life to. Anything you pour every ounce of your energy into in hopes of bringing you the things you desire in return”.

Was I doing that? Was I pouring my time and energy into using my phone to bring me things I desired? I didn’t think so, but I thought I’d check out the “Screen Time” feature on my phone to see exactly what I was doing and how long I was doing it. I’m embarrassed to say what I found. I spent an average of 5 ½ hours on my phone per day this week! The majority of the time was on games, Facebook, and text messages. I’m sorry to say my Bible App was #5 on the list.

So, if I’m sleeping for 8 hours, at work for 10 hours (including lunch and drive time) that only leaves me 6 hours to do everything else in a 24-hour day and I’m spending 5 ½ of it on my phone!?! Wow, that is not good.

More research provided this insight. “Incessant engagement with games might direct my heart and love toward achievement and competition shaping my identity as one whose longings are met in success.  Posting my every move on Facebook might be directing my heart and love toward being noticed or admired shaping my identity as one whose longings are met in social status.” Goodness, this is starting to hit a little too close to home for me. Am I seeking a feeling of success and social status with my phone? I guess if I’m being honest, I am. But my identity shouldn’t be tied up in that, it should be firmly planted in God.

I shouldn’t need to seek success and social status to give me a sense of identity.  It says in the Bible that God will give me all that I need. Matthew 6:33 says “Seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously and he will give you all that you need.” He will fill me up and give me a sense of identity if I turn to him for those things and if I direct my heart and love toward him.

Do you relate to any of this? Are you putting something first in your life before God? What is framing your identity? What practical steps can you take to help you with your relationship with God? Me personally, I’m going to use the App Limits feature on my phone to set an amount of time that I am allowed to be on games and social media per day next week. When the time limit is reached, the app won’t open. That will be a gentle reminder to open my Bible instead of my phone. What practical change can you make this week that will help strengthen your relationship with God?

Lord, I want to grow in my relationship with you. Please give me the wisdom to turn to you when I need to see my identity. You promise to give me all that I need and I trust you to fill me up. Amen.